
How to Use Precast Concrete in Your Commercial Construction Project

by | Jun 10, 2019

Any commercial construction project will rely on a variety of materials to achieve the desired final product. When you need a durable material to provide uncompromising structural integrity, choosing concrete is your best bet. There are many types of concrete you can use for your construction project, with different mixes resulting in properties that are beneficial for different purposes. One type of concrete that many people are turning to more and more for construction is precast concrete.

What is Precast Concrete?

Most people tend to think of ready-mix concrete when they think of types of concrete, which is mixed together in a warehouse, brought to the construction site by truck, and placed in liquid form where it will then set into a solid shape. Precast differs from ready-mix because it is made in a specific shape at a concrete plant, then shipped to the construction site for use. Rather than filling a mold at the construction site, the precast concrete arrives in the desired shape and is ready to place where it belongs.

Advantages of Precast Concrete

Precast concrete molds have the distinct advantage of being made in a controlled environment from start to finish, meaning there are no outside influences to how the concrete sets. This allows the manufacturers to make the most out of high-quality formulas and to create a final product that is incredibly precise. Precast concrete is exceptionally structurally sound, strong, and durable. Making precast pieces indoors from start to finish – including mixing, setting, and sealing – results in a high-strength, finished product, free of cracking or weak spots.

The solid structure of precast concrete allows it to be used for a number of heavy-duty purposes. Precast concrete offers exceptional long-term durability, with some experts estimating that it can last up to 2,000 years if done right. 

Uses for Precast Concrete

Precast concrete is designed to offer strength and durability for demanding environments. One common use for precast is making parts for sewage systems, including vaults, wells, and manholes. The precast pieces are designed to avoid cracking under immense pressure while standing the test of time against running water. You can also use precast concrete to make custom boxes for storm drains.

Many electrical utilities rely on durable concrete precasts to maintain the structural integrity of important sources of power. Light poles often use bases made with precast concrete in order to keep standing steadily in the face of strong winds.

Precast concrete is also very useful for creating beams for wall frames for new buildings, since these beams need to support lots of weight over the course of many decades.

For high-quality precast concrete molds for your next construction project made with precision, care, and your needs in mind, contact Knight’s today!

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