
Ways to Utilize Concrete in Your Next Construction Project

by | Nov 13, 2018

Concrete can be used for a wide range of types of projects and can be useful for different elements within each project. Here are a few ways you can use this strong, durable product in your next project.

Creating a Sewage or Septic System for Your New Building

Whether you need drainage for a new school, office building, or hospital, using concrete for your sewage or septic system is crucial. Precast concrete products such as pump stations, valve vaults, or grease traps will complete your system and make it ready for long-term use. With concrete precast, you will need infrequent maintenance and repair for your septic or sewage system.

Creating an Insulation Wall

One of the benefits of concrete is the many different forms of concrete available for specialized purposes. One great use for lower weight, low-density concrete is making internal components for large walls that help regulate the temperature of a building, keeping it cool during the summer and warm during the winter, resulting in lower energy consumption.

Storm Drains for City Streets

Streets use asphalt for a good grip on tires, but the material doesn’t hold up against harsh weather very well. Storm drains need to be sturdy and durable since the bulk of the water during rain storms is directed at them. For civil engineering projects creating new streets, using concrete to create storm drain boxes is a must.

Laying a Strong Foundation

No foundation is complete without concrete. If you are constructing any sort of new building, concrete will be the material you use for your foundation. Making your foundation with concrete will ensure long-lasting durability for your project. Whether you are expanding a building or breaking ground on something new, concrete will be the material you need to get started.

Redoing Your Driveway

Concrete is a highly durable material that will allow you to get the most life out of your completed product. Driveways endure lots of abuse over the course of many years and will eventually be both unsightly and a potential hazard to car tires. Replacing an old driveway, whether residential or commercial, with a high-quality ready-mix solution is a great way to add a new look to your building or home while guaranteeing a long life for your driveway.

Knight’s Precast division specializes in creating high-quality precast structures for drainage, septic, and sewage units along with electrical project needs. Our Redi-Mix division can create just the right mix you need to create a solid foundation for any commercial project.

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